What We Do
Honest, Pragmatic, Sensitive & Cost Effective Family Law Advice
Practising exclusively in Family and De Facto Law, we understand the complexities involved in these areas of law and we will provide you with informative and focused advice in relation to your rights and obligations.
Where appropriate, Hills Family Law Centre also work in conjunction with respected experts who can assist in the timely resolution of your family law matters, including Barristers, Accountants, Valuers, Counsellors and Mediators.
We strive to give you the understanding and compassion that you will need during this difficult time in your life, whilst giving you a realistic assessment of your matter and the professional guidance you need to achieve the most appropriate and cost effective outcome.

Property Settlement
One of the most upsetting, emotionally draining and sometimes complicated parts of any relationship breakdown is the issue of dividing assets.
At Hills Family Law Centre, we will provide you with straightforward and realistic legal advice to assist you in clearly understanding your entitlements and your options to achieve a fair property settlement.
Our goal is to resolve your property settlement matters through negotiation, without the need for you to have to go to court. If an agreement is reached between you and your previous partner, we can simply assist you to formalise that agreement.
Our Property Settlement Services include:
- Negotiation
- Mediation
- Property Settlement Agreements
- Court Representation

Children & Parenting Matters
Our practical and solution focused approach promises to secure you and your family the best possible future. We are experts in matters involving:
- Sole parental responsibility
- Relocation & Recovery Orders
- Hague Convention
- Substance abuse, mental health and psychiatric issues
- Family violence & Child abuse
- Children’s wishes
- Blended families
- Grandparents and other third party applications

Binding Financial Agreements
Financial Agreements are written documents made with the consent of both parties to a relationship. A Financial Agreement can be made before, during or even after a marriage or de facto relationship has ended.
In short, a Binding Financial Agreement formalises an agreement that you and your partner have reached in relation to the division of your property and financial resources.
Private Child Support Agreements
Child Support Agreements allow parties to formalise their own agreements regarding what they deem to be appropriate maintenance arrangements for their child or children, including the amount of child support to be paid, and how those payments are to be made.
Spousal Maintenance Agreements
Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, one party may be liable to financially maintain the other party for a period of time, provided they have the financial means to do so and in circumstances where the other is unable to sufficiently support themselves.
With respect to any type of Binding Financial Agreement, both parties to the agreement must obtain their own independent legal advice before entering into the agreement.
Seeking counsel from the experienced team at Hills Family Law Centre will assist you to make well informed decisions and ensure that your rights are protected, whilst also giving you the peace of mind that your personal matters have been appropriately managed and resolved.
Practicing exclusively in Family Law, we can also assist you with

Divorce Applications
If your marriage has broken down, we can provide you with detailed and easy to understand advice about how to formally end your marriage by Divorce Order, whether that be by way of a Joint or Sole Application for Divorce being made to the Court.

Consent Orders
In circumstances where parties are able to reach an agreement in relation to parenting and/or property settlement matters, we can assist in having the terms of your agreement formalised by drafting and filing the Application for Consent Orders, together with the proposed Consent Orders with the Court.

Spousal Maintenance
Applications for urgent or interim Spousal Maintenance may be made in appropriate circumstances where a party is in need of financial assistance. We can provide advice in relation to the different applications which can be made in this regard, what you may be entitled to receive by way of maintenance from your former partner and the relevant requirements for such applications to be successful.

Court Representation
Whilst we will always work towards achieving outcomes for our clients without having to go to Court, in circumstances where such a course is unavoidable, rest assured our team of Solicitors are experienced advocates, familiar with the procedures and rules in both the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia.

Child Support
Following the breakdown of a relationship, we understand the importance of ensuring appropriate arrangements are made for the financial support of children as a matter of priority. Whether parties are able to come to an agreement between themselves in relation to the payment of child support which may then be formalised by way of a Binding Child Support Agreement, or otherwise an assessment is required by the Child Support Agency, we can assist by providing information and advice in regards to the most appropriate arrangements in your situation.

Mediation & Settlement Conferences
In appropriate circumstances, we encourage our clients to make a genuine attempt to resolve any outstanding family law issues by way of negotiated settlement. We can offer advice in relation to the most appropriate settlement options in the circumstances of your matter, including Family Dispute Resolution Services, Mediation (involving only the parties or otherwise legally assisted Mediation), and Roundtable Conferences.

Domestic / Family Violence
It is an unfortunate reality that domestic and family violence is a feature of many relationships, including the physical, emotional, psychological, verbal and financial abuse of a party, and often this occurs in the presence of children. There are no circumstances in which this behaviour is appropriate. If you are a victim of domestic and/or family violence, we urge you to seek advice so that appropriate actions are taken to ensure your immediate safety and protection and so that we may assist you in regards to the resolution of any outstanding property and/or parenting matters in a safe and expeditious manner. We can also provide advice to parties who have been falsely accused of perpetrating acts of domestic and/or family violence.

Whilst we endeavour to keep all matters out of court, sometimes Court Representation is necessary. The experienced team at HFLC can assist in both Federal Circuit Court and Family Law Court appearances.